Official Name: Tommy
Sponsor: Anonymous
Painters: Nancy Brossard, Carol Marie Vossler, John LaFalce
Carver: Carol Marie Vossler
Carol Marie Vossler is a multifaceted artist with skills spanning all aspects of metal casting and foundry; mold making; ceramic, wax and concrete casting; metal fabrication, tig, mig and shielded arc welding; gas welding and cutting; carving, woodshop machinery and hand tools; wood fabrication; pottery (clay bodies, glazes and kiln firing), darkroom process and maintenance; digital photography; and printmaking (intaglio, relief, woodcut, monoprint, and book arts). The Carousel trout was a natural choice for Carol as the fish is one of her most recognizable multimedia signature expressions.
Carol shared a New York City studio for five years with artist/sculptor Karin Waisman. In 2000, after participating in many exhibitions as a mixed media artist and curator, she painstakingly renovated an old warehouse in Saranac Lake, NY to what is now Bluseed Studios, a premier art gallery and performance space that also houses ceramic, printmaking, paper making and framing studios. Bluseed is a nonprofit membership-based organization with a 14-member board of directors, its mission to provide space for artists to experiment, diverge, exhibit and perform while connecting the community to the arts.
In addition to serving as Art Director for Bluseed, Carol is also a full-time faculty member at North Country Community College, and holds MFA, BA and AAS degrees.
Carol Marie Vossler | EMAIL