Official Name: Wiggly
Sponsor: Adworkshop
Carvers: Al Becker, Wayne Miles, Russell Musgrave, Sonny Schiller, Keith Hargrove, and James Barker
Hailing from Missouri and Illionois, Al Becker, Wayne Miles, Russell Musgrave, Sonny Schiller, Keith Hargrove, and James Barker worked together to make Wiggly, a sleek, colorful reptile a memorable Carousel figure.
The group thought carving for the Adirondack Carousel would be a great way to promote the craft of woodcarving.
Together the members have carved coats of arms, a mountain man, and a carousel horse to name a few.
our story…
In 2001, Karen Loeffler and a committed group of local residents, supported by the close-knit community-minded people in the small village of Saranac Lake, met to address the logistics of creating a carousel. That same year the project became a reality and the group incorporated and was granted not-for profit status.
Our Location…
contact us
(518) 891-9521
P.O. Box 1059
2 Depot Street
Saranac Lake, NY 12983